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Joseph Russell Obituary Funeral services for Joseph William Russell, 70, of Choudrant, LA, will be held on Saturday January 13, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Ruston, LA 71270 Obituaries Local Florists : 3180525 Ruston, LA927 kingsfuneral@yahoo King's Funeral Home recommends the following florists for their professional services and quality arrangements: Lily of the Valley. Diane Willis Obituary Memorial services for Rebecca Diane Willis, age 68 of Ruston, Louisiana will be held at 10:00 AM, Friday, March 22, 2024 at Owens Memorial Chapel Funeral Home in Ruston, Louisian View Recent Obituaries for Memorial Funeral Home Memorial Funeral Home - Plain Dealing 305 Lincoln Street Plain Dealing, LA 71064 p: (318) 326-5252. Visitation will be held from 2 - 6 p Friday, March 5,at the Funeral Home. 1201 Martin Luther King Drive Ruston, LA 318-255-0552. sam's club oswego Coping with the loss of a loved one i. Johnnie Bell Bradford Location: King's Funeral Home (1511 W. Interment will follow at Choudrant Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Kilpatric Hilda Perritt Obituary Funeral services celebrating the life of Mrs. With their commitment to quality and a wide range of products, they have become a go-to brand for both profess. sam rayburn tollway California Avenue, Ruston LA 71270) Born: Wednesday 01/08/1975 Died: Tuesday 10/03/2023 Age: 48. Eliud Pabon Location: King's Funeral Home (1511 W. King, who own and operated King's Funeral Home in Chester County, South Carolina with his wife Margie Buckson King for over 40 years before his passing on September 1, 1997. Click or call (800) 729-8809 Joy Rowe Obituary A Celebration of life for Joy Carol Maxwell Rowe, 74, of Ruston, LA will be held Friday, April 26, 2024, at 11:00 AM at Temple Baptist Church Sanctuary in Ruston, LA. McKeever, President He is married to Ozie L They have two children and two grandchildren Ozie is the bookkeeper for King's Funeral Home. idevelop h e b Graveside services for Bonnie Jean Sherrard, age 74, of Ruston will be held at 1000 am, Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at Riser Cemetery in Ruston under the direction of Owens Memorial Chapel Funeral Home with Bro. ….

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